Peace, my child; Let it be.
Adaptability. If you are at all familiar with the Clifton StrengthsFinder system, then you may know that Adaptability is one of the themes that Gallup includes under its “Relationship Building” category. If you are at all familiar with me, you will probably be surprised to learn that when I took the Strengths Assessment in the fall of 2017, Adaptability was ranked within my top five themes from a list of 34. Had I guessed, I would never have thought that I would be called adaptable, in any setting, for any reason. One of my mom’s favorite things to tease me about is my attachment to lists and schedules. If you say that we’re eating dinner at a certain time, I’ll expect to be eating dinner at that time. Monday is my favorite day of the week, because it’s the day that everything starts over, and I have a schedule to follow again. I prize routine. I like my life boring. Though I love the sun (lol standsforthesun.blogsp...